AN7164NAN7164N, Serwisówki TV, Układy Scalone
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ICs for Audio Common Use AN7164N BTL 47W Audio Power Amplifier Circuit Overview The AN7164N is an integrated circuit designed for 47W (V CC = 26.4V, 8 Unit : mm ) output power amplifier. High power output (BTL 47W), low distortion and low noise are real- ized. High reliability is obtained due to same kinds of pro- tectors built in. Furthermore, ON/OFF is enabled even if power is supplied to power supply pin by stand-by circuit. ½ ø 3.6 5.9±0.25 7.7±0.3 7.8±0.25 12 Features • High output power • Low distortion, low noise • Low shock noise from power ON/OFF operation • Incorporates stand-by circuits • Incorporates protection circuits (Temperature, Overcurrent, Load Short, Output – GND Short) 1 0.35 + 0.1 – 0.05 12-Lead SIP Package with Fin (Power Type) (HSIP012-P-000A) Pin Descriptions Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. Pin Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ripple Filter NFB Ch.2 GND (Input) NFB Ch.1 Input Stand-by 7 8 9 10 11 12 Output Ch.1 Bootstrap Ch.1 GND (Output) Output Ch.2 Bootstrap Ch.2 V CC n Block Diagram V CC 2 11 12 6 Inp u t Circuit Dri v er Circuit Out p ut Circuit 10 1 Rip p le Filter Protection Over Temp. Load Short Overcurrent Output-GND Short 5 Inp u t Circuit Dri v er Circuit Out p ut Circuit 7 3 4 8 9 GND GND n n n AN7164N ICs for Audio Common Use n Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta= 25˚C) Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply Voltage Supply Current Peak Supply Voltage Power Dissipation Operating Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature V CC I CC V CC (surge) P D T opr T stg 32 Note) 5 55 62.5 – 30 ~ + 75 – 55 ~ + 150 V A V W ˚C ˚C Note) Non-Signal n Recommended Operating Range (Ta= 25˚C) Parameter Symbol Range Operating Supply Voltage Range V CC 8.3V ~ 30V n Electrical Characteristics (V CC = 26.4V, R L = 8 ½ , f= 1kHz, BTL Operation, Ta= 25˚C) Parameter Symbol Condition min. typ. max. Unit Quiescent Circuit Current Output Noise Voltage Output Offset Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion Voltage Gain Maximum Output Power I CQ V no V O (offset) THD G V Po V in = 0V R g = 10k ½ Note) 55 0.9 0 0.06 51.5 47 100 1.5 300 0.3 53.5 mA mV mV % dB W V in = 0V P O = 1W P O = 1W THD= 10% 49.5 40 Ripple Rejection Ratio RR R g = 0½ , Supply Ripple 1Vrms, 120Hz Sine Wave Note) 45 48 dB Stand-by Current Stand-by Threshold Voltage I STB Piny Open DC Voltage of Piny at I CQ = less than 1mA 0.1 30 µA Vth (STB) 2.7 V Note) With DIN/AUDIO filter n Characteristics Curve P D – Ta (62.5) 60 R th (j – c) = 2˚C/W R th (j – a) = 42˚C/W 50 (41.7) 40 (31.3) 30 (25.0) 20 (17.9) (10.4) 10 No heat sink (3.0) 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Ambient Temperature Ta (˚C) ICs for Audio Common Use AN7164N n Characteristics Curve Po – V CC G V , THD – V CC Gain Response, THD – f IN 60 THD = 10% V CC = 26.4V R L = 8 ½ V IN = 6.6mV At V O = 0dB P O = 0.75W 53 52 51 50 49 50 40 4 1.0 f = 1kHz P O = 0.75W R L = 8 Gain (0dB = 51.5dB) hysteresis present G V 0 0.8 ½ 30 – 4 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 – 8 0.4 20 R L = 8½ THD P O = 0.75W R I = 8 ½ –12 0.2 THD f = 10kHz –16 0 10 –20 f = 1kHz 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 0 8 16 24 32 40 100 1k 10k 100k Supply Voltage V CC (V) Supply Voltage V CC (V) Input Frequency f IN (Hz) P O , THD – V IN I CQ , V offset – V CC V no – R g 1000 5.0 G V = 51.5dB f IN = 1kHz V CC = 26.4V R L = 8½ G V = 51.5dB (f = 1kHz) 300 4.0 100 10 120 20 30 3 100 0 3.0 V offset 10 1.0 80 – 20 3 THD 0.3 60 – 40 2.0 1 0.1 40 I CQ – 60 Without filter 1.0 0.3 P O 0.03 20 – 80 With DIN/And 1V filter 0.1 0.1 0.3 1 3 10 30 100 0.01 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 100 1k 10k ¥ Input Frequency V IN (mV) Supply Voltage V CC (V) Source Resistance R g ( ½ ) RR – V CC RR – f ripple RR – V ripple 100 100 f ripple = 120Hz V CC = 26.4V V ripple = 1.0Vrms V CC = 26.4V f ripple = 120Hz Note) Measured with heat sink open Grounding the heat sink increases RR by about 1 dB (improvement). 90 90 80 80 60 V ripple = 0.5Vrms 70 70 50 60 60 40 V ripple = 1Vrms 50 50 30 40 40 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 50 100 200 300 500 1k 0 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2 4 Supply Voltage V CC (V) Ripple Frequency f ripple (Hz) Ripple Voltage V ripple (Vrms) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |