AN7199ZAN7199Z, Serwisówki TV, Układy Scalone
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ICs for Audio Common Use AN7199Z Dual 20 W BTL power IC for car audio Overview The AN7199Z is an audio power IC developed for the sound output of car audio (dual 20 W). A capacitor and a resistor to stop oscillation are built in between the output pin and GND so that a space sav- ing of set is possible. Also, it is incorporates an industry's first superior muting circuit which is free from shock noise, so that a shock noise design under the set transient condition can be made easily when the muting circuit is used together with its standby function. In addition, it is incorporating various protective cir- cuits to protect the IC from destruction by GND-open short-circuit to GND and power supply surge which are the most important subjects of power IC protection, and the IC will largely contribute to a high reliability design of equipment. Unit : mm 18.00±0.30 13.50±0.30 4.00±0.20 1.50±0.10 3.60±0.10 1 15 1.27 0.50 +0.20 –0.10 (0.61) R0.55 (1.80) (1.95) 0.25 +0.15 –0.05 (2.54) 19.00±0.30 19.30±0.30 HZIP015-P-0745A Features · Built-in various protection circuits (realizing high break- down voltage against destruction) Power supply surge breakdown voltage of 80 V or more Ground open breakdown voltage of 16 V or more · Built-in standby function (free from shock noise when STB-on/off) · Built-in muting function Free from shock noise at mute-on/off · Adapting attenuator method so that abnormal sound due to waveform deformation is not generated Attack time, recovery time of 50 ms or less · Reduction in external components No CR for oscillation stop is required It eliminates the need for NF and BS electrolytic ca- pacitors Muting function is unneccesary Power supply choke coil is unnecessary · Provided with beep sound input pin · High sound quality design Applications · Car audio 1 n f n n AN7199Z ICs for Audio Common Use n Block Diagram Ch.1 GND 3 Ref. 14 Ch.2 GND Ch.1 Out (-) 4 13 Ch.2 Out (-) Att. Protection Cct. Att. Ch.1 Out (+) 2 Att.Con. 15 Ch.2 Out (+) Att. Att. n Pin Descriptions Pin No. Description Pin No. Description 1 Power supply 9 Grounding (input) 2 Ch.1 output (+) 10 Beep sound input 3 Grounding (output ch.1) 11 Ch.2 input 4 Ch.1 output (-) 12 Ripple filter 5 Standby 13 Ch.2 output (-) 6 Ch.1 input 14 Grounding (output ch.2) 7 Muting 15 Ch.2 output (+) 8 Grounding (sub) n Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltage * 2 V CC 25 V Peak supply voltage * 3 V surge 60 V Supply current I CC 9.0 A Power dissipation * 4 P D 59 W Operating ambient temperature * 1 T opr -30 to +85 °C Storage temperature * 1 T stg - 55 to + 150 ° C Note) * 1 : All items are at T a = 25°C, except for the operating ambient temperature and storage temperature. * 2 : Without signal * 3 : Time = 0.2 s * 4: T a = 85°C 2 ICs for Audio Common Use AN7199Z n Recommended Operating Range Parameter Symbol Range Unit Supply voltage V CC 8.0 to 18.0 V n Electrical Characteristics at V CC = 13.2 V, f = 1 kHz, T a = 25 ° C Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Quiescent current I CQ V IN = 0 mV, R L = 4 W ¾ 120 250 mA Standby current I STB V IN = 0 mV, R L = 4 W ¾ 1 10 mA Output noise voltage * 1 V NO R g = 10 kW, R L = 4 W ¾ 0.18 0.5 mV[rms] Voltage gain 1 G V1 V IN = 20 mV, R L = 4 W 38 40 42 dB Total harmonic distortion 1 THD 1 V IN = 20 mV, R L = 4 W ¾ 0.07 0.4 % Maximum output power 1 P O1 THD = 10%, R L = 4 W 16 18.5 ¾ W V CC = 14.4 V, R L = 4 W ¾ 22.0 ¾ W Ripple rejection ratio * 1 RR R L = 4 W , R g = 10 k W , 55 60 ¾ dB V r = 1 V[rms], f r = 1 kHz Channel balance CB V IN = 20 mV, R L = 4 W ¾ 0 1 dB Cross-talk * 1 CT V IN = 20 mV, R L = 4 W , 60 79 ¾ dB R g = 10 k W Output offset voltage V Off R g = 10 kW, R L = 4 W -300 0 300 mV Muting effect * 1 MT V O = 1 W, R L = 4 W 70 86 ¾ dB Input impedance Z i V IN = ± 0.3 V DC 24 30 36 kW Voltage gain 2 G V2 V IN = 20 mV, R L = 2 W 38 40 42 dB Total harmonic distortion 2 THD 2 V IN = 20 mV, R L = 2 W ¾ 0.12 0.5 % Maximum output power 2 P O2 THD = 10%, R L = 2 W 16 25 ¾ W Shock noise * 2 V S R L = 4 W , R g = 10 k W - 100 0 100 mV[p-0] V STB = on/off, 50 Hz HPF-on Total harmonic distortion 3 THD 3 V IN = 10 mV, f IN = 20 kHz ¾ 0.10 0.5 % R g = 10 k W , R L = ¥ Note) * 1 : Measurement using a bandwidth 15 Hz to 30 kHz (12 dB/OCT) filter. * 2 : For V STB = on/off, change over the standby terminal by the voltages of 0 V and 5 V at the time shown below. Standby terminal voltage 5 V 0 V 500 ms 500 ms 3 AN7199Z ICs for Audio Common Use n Terminal Equivalent Circuits Pin No. Equivalent circuit Description DC Voltage 1 ¾ Supply voltage pin 13.2 V Supply connection pin 2 Ch.1 output pin (+) 6.6 V 1 Pre-amp. Drive circuit Ch.1 positive-phase output pin 2 Drive circuit V REF = 6.3 V 3 15 kW AN7198Z : 600 W AN7199Z : 300 W 3 ¾ GND (output) 0 V Grounding pin for ch.1 output 4 1 Pre-amp. Ch.1 output pin (-) 6.6 V Drive circuit Ch.1 inverted-phase output pin 4 Drive circuit 15 k V REF = 6.3 V 3 W ɹ AN7198Z : 600 W AN7199Z : 300 W 5 Standby control pin ¾ 5 10 kW Standby changeover pin Threshold voltage approx. 2.1 V 2 kW 6 Ch.1 input pin 0 mV to10 mV 6 Approx. 15 mA Approx. 15 mA Ch.1 input signal applied pin Input impedance 30 kW 200 W 600 W 30 kW 4 ICs for Audio Common Use AN7199Z Terminal Equivalent Circuits (continued) Pin No. Equivalent circuit Description DC Voltage 7 Mute control pin ¾ 7 Mute changeover pin Threshold voltage approx. 2.1 V 200 W 8 ¾ GND (substrate) 0 V Being connected with substrate only 9 ¾ GND (input) 0 V Ground pin for input 10 R nf 15 kW Beep sound input pin 2.1 V V REF = 6.3 V R nf 2 Beep sound signal input pin Input impedance 15.3 kW 15 kW 7.8 kW 15 kW 10 R nf R nf 15 V REF = 6.3 V 15 kW R nf AN7198Z : 600W AN7199Z : 300W 11 Ch.2 input pin 0 mV to10 mV 11 200 W Approx. 15 mA Approx. 15 mA Ch. 2 input signal applied pin Input impedance 30 kW 600 W 30 k W 12 Ripple filter pin 13.0 V V CC 15 kW Output current 3 mA to 10 mA 12 350 mA 1.7 mA 20 kW 5 n [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |