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You shouldn't go out without jacket.I think a good idea to wash your hands.When it's cold, you should go dressed.Always dried your wet hair.Eat lots of vegetables.Nie powinno wyjœæ bez kurtki.Myœlê, ¿e to dobry pomys³, aby umyæ rêce.Kiedy jest zimno, nale¿y udaæ siê ubraæ.Zawsze suszy swoje mokre w³osy.Jedz du¿o warzyw.Last time I was ill. It was cold. I had high fever and all time I had a fit of coughing. I have never felt so horrible. By 2 weeks I might lay in bed. It was very boring time. I was happy when friends visited me. They told me what' was going in school and gave me their exercise books. One day I might to go to the hospital to controll my health. It was O.K. The dostor said that in three days I can came back to school. I enjoyed it, but I was sad too because I had many deficiences at school. But my friends helped me. When I came back to scholl all people welcomed me so nice! It was wonderful because I was afraid of this moment. I was absented 2 weeks and they could forget about me.Ostatni by³em chory. To by³a grypa. Mia³em wysok¹ gor¹czkê i ci¹g³e napady kaszlu. Nigdy nie czu³em sie tak okropnie. Przez 2 tygodnie musia³em le¿eæ w ³ózku. To by³ bardzo nudny czas. Cieszy³em siê, kiedy odwiedzali mnie znajomi. Opowiadali mi co tam w szkole i dawali zeszyty. Któregoœ dnia musia³em jechac do szpitala na badania, skontrolowaæ mój stan. By³o ok. Lekarz powiedzia³, ¿e w przeci¹gu trzech dni moge wróciæ do szko³y. Cieszy³em siê, ale by³em te¿ smutny, bo mia³em braki w szkole. Ale znajomi mi pomogli. kiedy wróci³em do szko³y wszyscy powitli mnie bardzo mi³o. To by³o cudowne, poniewa¿ ba³em siê tej chwili. by³em nieobecny 2 tygodznie i mogli o mnie zapomnieæ.boleæ to hurtcierpieæ na to suffer (from)czuæ siê dobrze to feel wellczuæ siê Ÿle to feel badd³awiæ siê to chokedusiæ siê to suffocatemdleæ to faintoperowaæ to operatepoprawiæ/polepszyæ to improvetraciæ przytomnoœæ to lose consciousnesswracaæ do zdrowia to convalesce/to recoverwszczepiæ to implantwymiotowaæ to be sick/to vomitzainfekowaæ to infectza³o¿yæ gips to plaster/to put in a castzaszczepiæ to inoculate/to voccinateas white as a sheetto be in good shapeto feel worse and worseto feel washed outto be feel under the weather; to feel a bit off-colourto feel out of sortsto feel like death warmed upto be run-downI am just middlingyou are over the worsthe's not feeling up to the markpicture of healthhe hasn't been feeling himself recentlyblady jak œcianabyæ w dobrej formieczuæ siê coraz gorzejczuæ siê do niczegoczuæ siê niedobrzeczuæ siê nieszczególnieczuæ siê okropnieczuæ siê s³aboczujê siê œrednionajgorsze ju¿ minê³onie czujê siê najlepiejokaz zdrowiaon ostatnio nie jest sob¹Hello Doctor I`ve got a problem. I have a headache from 3 days and I don`t feel well. I took the tablets yesterday evening because I couldn`t sleep. Could you give me some prescription for medicine?Witam Lekarz I `ve got a problem. Boli mnie g³owa od 3 dni i I don `t czuje siê dobrze. Wzi¹³em tabletki wczoraj wieczorem, bo nie mog³am spaæ. Czy mo¿esz daæ mi trochê receptê na lek?I don't feel well doctorNie czujê siê dobrze lekarz.Hi, why weren't you at school last week?- Hello, I was sick, I had pneumonia...- Oh, really? That's terrible...- Yes, I had to take injections, it was really painful- Ohh... poor thing, how did you feel during the sickness?- Not really good, I had to stay in bed all day, I couldn't even play a computer game...- Are you kidding me? No games at all?- Yes, it's really terrible...- But you are all right now, aren't you?- Yes, of course, everything is fine now- That is great, because I was getting bored without you in here- Hehe, don't worry, I'm here now, so we can play together again- Awesome! Lets play theWitam, dlaczego nie by³eœ w szkole w zesz³ym tygodniu?- Witam, jestem chora, mia³am zapalenie p³uc ...- Och, naprawdê? To straszne ...- Tak, musia³em braæ zastrzyki, to by³o naprawdê bolesne- Ohh ... biedactwo, jak czu³eœ siê w trakcie choroby?- Nie bardzo dobre, musia³em zostaæ w ³ó¿ku ca³y dzieñ, nie mogê nawet graæ w gry komputerowe ...- ¯artujesz sobie? ¯adna gra w ogóle?- Tak, to naprawdê straszne ...- Ale s¹ teraz, nie?- Tak, oczywiœcie, wszystko jest w porz¹dku teraz- To œwietnie, bo nudzi bez ciebie tutaj- Hehe, nie martw siê, jestem tu teraz, wiêc mo¿emy graæ znowu razem- Niesamowite! Lets Play, a nastêpnie1 Zapytaj swojego znajomego z ameryki co robi aby byc zdrowym i jak czêsto chodzi do lekarza.Could you tell me Joe what are you doing to keep yourself fit? How often are you going to the doctor?2Powiedz swojej kole¿ance z Anglii jakie czynniki maj¹ najwiêkszy wp³yw na nasze zdrowieIf you want to be healthy you have to pay an attention about what do you eat, how long do you sleep and what is your hobby like.There is no doubt that a good diet, rich in fruit and vegetables makes you feel good and look good as well. Moreover, a good sleep is not less important ,as when you sleep your brain and all your body relax. And finally your hobby. It's very important that you exercise yourself and take a pleasure in it So, jogging, swimming, cycling, skying it can really help.Nie ma w¹tpliwoœci, ¿e dobra dieta, bogata w owoce i warzywa sprawia ¿e czujesz siê dobrze i wygl¹daæ dobrze, jak równie¿. Ponadto, dobry sen, nie jest mniej wa¿ne, poniewa¿ podczas snu mózg i ca³y organizm siê zrelaksowaæ. I w koñcu Twoje hobby. To bardzo wa¿ne, aby wykonywaæ samodzielnie i wzi¹æ przyjemnoœæ w nim tak, jogging, p³ywanie, jazda na rowerze, skying to mo¿e naprawdê pomóc.I'm not feeling well Ÿle siê czujêI'm not feeling very well nie czuje siê za dobrze?I feel ill czuje, ¿e jestem choryI feel sick czuje, ¿e jestem choryI've got a headache mam ból g³owyI've got a splitting headache mam okropny ból g³owyI've cut myself skaleczy³em siêI've got a pain in my ... mam ból w ...have you got any ...? ma pan ...?painkillers proszek przeciwbólowyparacetamol paracetamolaspirin aspirynêplasters plastryI hope you feel better soon mam nadziejê, ¿e wkrótce poczujesz siê lepiejget well soon!how can I help you? jak moge panu pomóc?what's the problem? w czym le¿y problem?what are your symptoms? jakie s¹ symptomy?I've got a ... mam ...temperature temperaturêsore throat ból gard³aheadache ból g³owyrash wysypkêI've been having headaches ostatnio mia³em bóle g³owyJeœli chcesz byæ zdrowy, musisz zmieniæ styl ¿ycia. You have to change your lifestyle if you want to stay healthy.Musia³em robiæ zastrzyki dwa razy dziennie. I had to make injections twice a day.1. I think that my sister has a healthy lifestyle because she is a vegetarian.2. MY friend Monika often goes to a gym so she keep fit and she is healthy3. I lead healthly life because I don't eat junk food.4. Tomek always eat in fast food and he is plump.5. My mother everyday do for our family healthly food.6. My gradma hasn't a healthly lifestyle because she often take a medicine.Everybody should eat heatlhy food. It keeps ourselves in a good mood and makes us stronger. When you eat fast foods you are weak and have no power to do anything. When we eat healthy food there's no chance that we will get sick. Remember: You are what you eat!T³umaczenie:Wszyscy powinni jeœæ zdrow¹ ¿ywnoœæ. Kiedy zdrowo jemy jesteœmy w lepszym humorze i jesteœmy silniejsi. Kiedy jadasz fast foody twój organizm jest s³aby i nie masz si³y na nic. Jadaj¹c zdrowe jedzenie nie ma szans byœ zachorowa³. Pamiêtaj: Jesteœ tym co jesz!1) The food is a part of our life, therefore should provide with not only basic nutritients, but also pleasure.2)Choice of appropriate products in our everyday diet has a great importance, since provides much energy and the smooth running for us.3)The appropriate food lets keep beautiful hair, nails and to keep the correct weight.4)Since the food is delivering elements essential for us to us to the life, e.g. white, the canailles.1)Jedzenie jest czêœci¹ naszego ¿ycia, w zwi¹zku z tym powinno dostarczaæ nie tylko podstawowych sk³adników od¿ywczych, ale i przyjemnoœci.2)Wybór w³aœciwych produktów w naszej codziennej diecie ma ogromne znaczenie dla zapewnienia zdrowia, energii ¿yciowej i dobrego funkcjonowania.3)Odpowiednie jedzenie pozwala zachowaæ piêkne w³osy i utrzymaæ prawid³ow¹ wagê.4) Poniewa¿ jedzenie zawiera wiele sk³adników niezbêdnych nam do ¿ycia, np. bia³ko, t³uszcze. 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