APM2.0PowerFixHow-ToAPM2.0PowerFixHow-To, elektronika, arduino
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//-->The power input problems on ArduPilot Mega 2.0 can be resolved by adding protection circuitryto the 5V rail on the PWM Output header. The two components used are a 500mA pico fuse(F3167TR) and a 6V Zener diode (1N5233BDITR). The following steps show how to incorporatethese parts into your APM 2.0 board.A soldering iron, solder, and wire strippers are needed to complete the procedure.Fig. 1: Pico fuse (top), Zener diode (bottom)The first part consists of splicing the fuse into the 5V line coming from your PDB or ESC. Cutthe red wire and strip about 0.5” of insulation from both ends. Slip the shrink tubing onto the wirebefore soldering the fuse on both ends.Fig. 2: Red wire cut and stripped.Wrap the stripped ends of the red wire on the leads of the pico fuse, apply flux and solder bothjoints.Fig. 3: Soldered joint between red wire and fuse.Cover the solder joints and component with shrink tubing and shrink it with a heat source.Fig. 4: Soldered and wrapped fuse.The next part consists of soldering the Zener diode onto the output power rail pins. Cut theleads as shown in the picture.Fig. 5: Zener diode with cut leads.Solder the diode between a GND pin and a 5V pin on the PWM output header, with the blackmarked side of the diode soldered onto the 5V pin and the unmarked side soldered to GND.Fig. 6: Zener diode soldered across 5V and GND. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |