AREA 3ds Max 2013 announced!AREA 3ds Max 2013 announced!, 3ds max tutorials 3d, 3ds max tutorials
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//-->AREA | 3ds Max 2013 announced!Autodesk UniversityThe future of making thingsSearch1/2Hey stranger! Pleaselog in or registerShowcaseLearningDownloadsBlogsForumsEventsVideosJobsProductsHome>Blogs>Maxed Out> 3ds Max 2013 announced!3ds Max 2013 announced!Posted by Ken Pimentel, 28 March 2012 8:00 pm1416705158likeAVpCUDgVSoftware15Share352Like924Autodesk 3ds MaxAutodesk Maya3ds Max and 3ds Max Design 2013Announced!With this release, we tried to do something slightly different. Along with the biggerfeatures, we tackled improving things that might seem small, but can be annoying orcause inefficiencies when you work. For example, we now allow you to move the viewportwhile creating various entities like arrays so you don’t stop creating, change yourviewport, then begin again. Instead, you simply move the viewport while continuing todraw/create. These are old legacy issues, many of you are used to it, but it doesn’t meanit needs to remain that way. We tackled dozens of these workflow improvements and you’llencounter them all over the product. This is one outcome of our3dsmaxfeedback.autodesk.comeffort from a year ago.We also spent a lot of time fixing bugs and crashers. Over 400 legacy bugs were fixed(things that were in 3ds Max 2012 or earlier) and CAT got yet more attention with roughly30 fixes by itself. We hope this attention to fixing things is something you all welcome. Wehave some news to share with you about our plans for introducing fixes faster, but thatwill have to wait a month or so.Autodesk SmokeIndustryGamesCategoriesAnimation(2)Announcements(44)API(2)Autodesk 3ds Max(66)Autodesk Maya(1)Autodesk Smoke(1)Autodesk University(2)Clients(1)Cool tech(2)Customer Stories(3)Games(2)Beta Survey resultsI also thought it might help to let you know what the beta thinks of this release. They’vebeen playing with something close to the final release, and about 200 of them answeredour final survey. Remember, beta users get exposed to a lot of “raw code” and limitedtime (days) with the finished release, so they have a rougher experience than most. Thereare an equal number of beta users in the Entertainment side as the CAD side (which alsomimics our userbase). Generally, they are very experienced users and spend a lot of hoursusing 3ds Max in their "other life".GDC(1)Hotfix(1)Looking Back(1)Looking Forwards(4)Python(1)Random Mumbling(1)Rendering(5)Research(7)Reviews(4)Scripting(1)SIGGRAPH(3)Subscription(1)Overall Stability90% said it was average or above, 56% said it was above average. 93% felt that stabilitywas the same or better than prior releases, 39% said it was better.Viewport Performance82% said it was average or above, 49% said it was above average. 88% said it wassame/better than prior releases, 57% said it was better.RSS FeedSubscribe to RSS feedAREA | 3ds Max 2013 announced!General App Performance93% said it was average or above, 43% said it was above average. 93% said it wassame/better than prior releases, 50% said it was better.Translate this pageWybierz językWybierz językTechnologiaTłumaczUI Ease of Use88% said it was average or above, 51% said it was above average. 96% said it wassame/better than prior releases, 43% said it was better.Interoperability93% said it was average or above, 62% said it was above average. 98% said it wassame/better than prior releases, 51% said it was better.What did beta users like the most?These were things that the majority of beta users said were a good reason to upgrade.Nitrous particle speed improvements (check it out, you’ll see significantimprovements here)Nitrous IBL, DOF, Bokeh, Clay improvementsTabbed viewport layoutMassFX Updates & mClothWorkflow improvements (from 3dsmaxfeedback.autodesk.com)After Effects Interop (State Sets)Iray 2.0Revit Interop UpdateAutoCAD DWG improvementsThings to watch forWe are required to release to a fixed schedule, which means that some issues found late inthe process are allowed to ship. So make sure you read the readme before you start usingthe release. We are aware of various performance issues that will affect some, but not allscenes and hardware configurations running Nitrous. The good news is that we have fixedthe following issues, but they are not in the release. We are scheduling an update as wespeak and I don’t expect it to take more than a month past the release to get into yourhands.Backface culled wireframe results in low performance4 viewports is slower than 1 viewportMaximize/minimize viewport is very slowMassive number of textures can cause lag (can be fixed by reducing default texturesize)Large shadowmap can cause low performance (can be fixed by reducing defaultshadowmap size)Based on our beta experience, a minority of you will find some scenes running slower in2013 than 2012 because of the above issues. We’re continuing to work with the beta teamto resolve all outstanding performance issues. We want Nitrous to perform better than DX9in all cases, not just the majority of cases. Nitrous continues to be a huge resource sink aswe fine tune it and maximize what it can do for us.Where's XBR?In case you haven't been following the restructuring of 3ds Max (what we call, "XBR"),here's an update. As we've told you, year after year, XBR is executing in phases and wedon't define when a particular phase will be complete. However, this release is notable forthe following reasons:XBR UI: Workspaces and Tabbed Views are the beginning of some changes. Workspacesare limited in what they can do because they require other changes to occur in our UIsystem first. UI continues to be a high priority to revamp. Definitely under renovation, butmoving towards something more complete.AREA | 3ds Max 2013 announced!XBR Simulation: A big step forwards with the unification of cloth, forces and rigid-bodies.We now have mCloth - which is a subset of our Cloth feature, but it works with MassFXrigid bodies. We have also integrated our traditional "forces" into the MassFX system.Again, the goal is to unify all our simulation pieces under a single roof to make it mucheasier to work with.XBR Viewports: We've come a long way in quality and performance. We still have somegaps to close and problems to sort, but the trajectory is solid. This release was another bigeffort to try to do more in the viewport (IBL, DOF for example) and plan our move off DX9.A lot of structural efforts have been made, but we're not finished with this agenda yet.We're planning a public webinar around XBR for mid April. Watch for the invite.3ds Max vs 3ds Max DesignThere are no new feature differences. 3ds Max doesn't have the Daylight Simulation toolsor Civil View. 3ds Max Design doesn't ship with the SDK.Plug-in CompatibilityUnfortunately, you can’t use 2012 plug-ins with 3ds Max 2013. The SDK is different fromprior releases due to the move to Unicode (finally) in this release. This is an example of amassive sw engineering project we had to undertake to deal with legacy code. This was byfar, the largest investment in touching all the code in 3ds Max since 64b. Unfortunately,most of you don’t care that we’re now Unicode, but it will make life a lot easier foreveryone working with 3ds Max on a foreign OS or are using one of the 5 languageversions 3ds Max comes in and are trying to share data. Don't forget, you still have a"save as 2010" feature in this release to maintain data compatibility with older pipelines.More infoMake sure you also check out the new product site on theAREAand the updated productpage atAutodesk.com.If you want to check out all our "Sneak Peaks" videos, gohere.If you want to stay in touch, check out our Facebookpage.Top Features and BenefitsThese are a mix of things from the F&B document with some of my enhancements and itincludes things that are noted as new in the docs, but are left off the F&B. Basically, this isthe most comprehensive listing of changes that you'll find from Autodesk. As usual, someof these features were introduced with the Subscription Advantage Pack (SAP) inSeptember, now, everyone else gets them. I've tried to identify where we've enhanced theSAP with a "SAP+".Adobe After Effects Interoperability (SAP+)Steve Forde, the Product Manager for Adobe After Effects was recently giving apresentation to our channel partners and he really brought home how important this newfeature will be for AE users. There is nothing else like it in any other product. It gives youa bidirectional workflow allowing two different artists to work collaboaratively (it's commonfor there to be a 2D and a 3D user working together on a project) with updates happeningin either end and everyone remaining in sync. Of course, it benefits you if you're workingalone too as it ensures simple syncronization of your data.Media design and graphics artists whose creative toolsets include Adobe® After Effects®software can now enjoy a level of interoperability with 3ds Max that sets a higher standardfor 2D/3D data exchange. The new Media Sync functionality provides two-way transfer ofcameras, lights, null objects, plane objects/solids, footage (including footage layering),blend modes, opacity, and effects; with it, artists can iterate more effectively and reducerework to complete projects in less time.Improvements since the Subscription Advantage Pack released in September, 2011AREA | 3ds Max 2013 announced!include:Custom render element pathing.Custom file type pathing including EXR. This tracks parameters for output fileformats, as well as formats, and, in the case of EXR, includes render elements,gbuffers, bit depth, color channels, and more.iray and Quicksilver render parameter tracking.Better UI interaction through render-dialog refreshing.Tracking of viewport layouts.MAXScript exposure.Object and solid scale tracking to After Effects.Ability to copy state sets.Tracking of V-Ray object properties.Tracking of V-Ray cache.If you're looking for more details on this feature, see my recent blog posthere.Enhanced Interoperability with Adobe Photoshop (SAP)Enjoy greater flexibility when finishing renderings in Adobe® Photoshop® software, withthe new ability to output renderings in a layered PSD format that retains layer order,opacity, and blend modes (for example, multiply or screen).Render Pass System (SAP)Scenes can now be more easily segmented for downstream compositing. Thanks to anentirely new render pass system, render elements can now be more efficiently created forAutodesk® Smoke® 2013 software, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop software, orcertain other image compositing applications. A state recorder enables artists to capture,edit, and save the current state, while a visual interface shows how compositing andrender elements are wired together to create the final result. Artists can more quickly setup and execute multiple render passes from a single file; individual passes can be modifiedwithout the need to re-render the whole scene, enhancing productivity.Slate Compositing Editor (SAP)Perform simple compositing operations directly within 3ds Max with the new SlateCompositing Editor. The schematic node-based interface enables rendered layers andpasses to be more easily wired together and combined with compositing nodes, forexample: blends and color corrections; the resulting composite can then be sent to AdobeAfter Effects or Adobe Photoshop for further refinement.ActiveShade Interactive iray Rendering (SAP+)AREA | 3ds Max 2013 announced!Experience an interactive creative process for finalizing renderings, with new ActiveShadesupport for the NVIDIA iray renderer. ActiveShade enables artists to iterate moreeffectively by providing an interactive rendering session that constantly updates aschanges are made to cameras, lighting, materials, and geometry. By shortening thefeedback loop, artists can more efficiently fine-tune their scene, making it faster andeasier to achieve their intended look.MassFX EnhancementsArtists can now enjoy a more integrated and accurate dynamic toolset, thanks to a widerange of enhancements and additions to the MassFX unified system of simulation solvers.Highlights are a new mCloth module that features tearable fabric and support for dynamicragdoll hierarchies. In addition, improved constraints, better handling of pivot points, andenhanced UI readability help improve overall workflow.Focus on WorkflowWith the understanding that small things can make a big difference, 3ds Max 2013 includesa number of improvements: the ability to manipulate the camera when cutting polygonsand during the creation process, enhancements to the skin modifier, and a modeless arraydialog. Customers can suggest their own workflow improvements using the Small [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |