, AN-23, Książki, polskie, elektronika i elektrotechnika, Układy scalone - baza, Uklady scalone baza, Baza 


AN-23, Książki, polskie, elektronika i elektrotechnika, Układy scalone - baza, Uklady scalone baza, Baza
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The LM105-An Improved
Positive Regulator
National Semiconductor
Application Note 23
January 1969
Robert J. Widlar
Apartado Postal 541
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
IC voltage regulators are seeing rapidly increasing usage.
The LM100, one of the first, has already been widely ac-
cepted. Designed for versatility, this circuit can be used as a
linear regulator, a switching regulator, a shunt regulator, or
even a current regulator. The output voltage can be set be-
tween 2V and 30V with a pair of external resistors, and it
works with unregulated input voltages down to 7V. Dissipa-
tion limitations of the IC package restrict the output current
to less than 20 mA, but external transistors can be added to
obtain output currents in excess of 5A. The LM100 and an
extensive description of its use in many practical circuits are
described in References 1±3.
One complaint about the LM100 has been that it does not
have good enough regulation for certain applications. In ad-
dition, it becomes difficult to prove that the load regulation is
satisfactory under worst-case design conditions. These
problems prompted development of the LM105, which is
nearly identical to the LM100 except that a gain stage has
been added for improved regulation. In the great majority of
applications, the LM105 is a plug-in replacement for the
the improved regulator
The load regulation of the LM100 is about 0.1%, no load to
full load, without current limiting. When short circuit protec-
tion is added, the regulation begins to degrade as the output
current becomes greater than about half the limiting current.
This is illustrated inFigure1. The LM105, on the other hand,
gives 0.1% regulation up to currents closely approaching
the short circuit current. As shown inFigure1b, this is partic-
ularly significant at high temperatures.
The current limiting characteristics of a regulator are impor-
tant for two reasons: First, it is almost mandatory that a
regulator be short-circuit protected because the output is
distributed to enough places that the probability of it becom-
ing shorted is quite high, Secondly, the sharpness of the
limiting characteristics is not improved by the addition of
external booster transistors. External transistors can in-
crease the maximum output current, but they do not im-
prove the load regulation at currents approaching the short
a. T
b. T
Figure 1. Comparison between the load regulation of
the LM100 and LM105 for equal short circuit
circuit current. Thus, it can be seen that the LM105 provides
more than ten times better load regulation in practical power
supply designs.
1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
 Figure 2 shows that the LM105 also provides better line
regulation than the LM100. These curves give the percent-
age change in output voltage for an incremental change in
the unregulated input voltage. They show that the line regu-
lation is worst for small differences between the input and
output voltages. The LM105 provides about three times bet-
ter regulation under worst case conditions. Bypassing the
internal reference of the regulator makes the ripple rejection
of the LM105 almost a factor of ten better than the LM100
over the entire operating range, as shown in the figure. This
bypass capacitor also eliminates noise generated in the in-
ternal reference zener of the IC.
Figure 2. Comparison between the line regulation char-
acteristics of the LM100 and LM105
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the LM105 regulator
Q4, divided down by R1 and R2 and connected in series
with a diode-connected transistor, Q7. The negative temper-
ature coefficient of Q7 cancels out the positive coefficient of
the voltage across R2, producing a temperature-compen-
sated 1.8V on the base of Q8. This point is also brought
outside the circuit so that an external capacitor can be add-
ed to bypass any noise from the zener diode.
Transistors Q8 and Q9 make up the error amplifier of the
circuit. A gain of 2000 is obtained from this single stage by
using a current source, another collector on Q2, as a collec-
tor load. The output of the amplifier is buffered by Q11 and
used to drive the series-pass transistor, Q12. The collector
of Q12 is brought out so that an external PNP transistor, or
PNPÐNPN combination, can be added for increased output
Current limiting is provided by Q10. When the voltage
across an external resistor connected between Pins 1 and 8
becomes high enough to turn on Q10, it removes the base
drive from Q11 so the regulator exhibits a constant-current
characteristic. Prebiasing the current limit transistor with a
portion of the emitter-base voltage of Q12 from R6 and R7
reduces the current limit sense voltage. This increases the
The LM105 has also benefited from the use of new IC com-
ponents developed after the LM100 was designed. These
have reduced the internal power consumption so that the
LM105 can be specified for input voltages up to 50V and
output voltages to 40V. The minimum preload current re-
quired by the LM100 is not needed on the LM105.
circuit description
The differences between the LM100 and the LM105 can be
seen by comparing the schematic diagrams inFigures3and
4. Q4 and Q5 have been added to the LM105 to form a
common-collector, common-base, common-emitter amplifi-
er, rather than the single common-emitter differential ampli-
fier of the LM100.
In the LM100, generation of the reference voltage starts
with zener diode, D1, which is supplied with a fixed current
from one of the collectors of Q2. This regulated voltage,
which has a positive temperature coefficient, is buffered by
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the LM100 regulator
 efficiency of the regulator, especially when foldback current
limiting is used. With foldback limiting, the voltage dropped
across the current sense resistor is about four times larger
than the sense voltage.
As for the remaining details, the collector of the amplifier,
Q9, is brought out so that external collector-base capaci-
tance can be added to frequency-stabilize the circuit when it
is used as a linear regulator. This terminal can also be
grounded to shut the regulator off. R9 and R4 are used to
start up the regulator, while the rest of the circuitry estab-
lishes the proper operating levels for the current source
transistor, Q2.
The reference circuitry of the LM105 is the same, except
that the current through the reference divider, R2, R3 and
R4, has been reduced by a factor of two on the LM105 for
reduced power consumption. In the LM105, Q2 and Q3 form
an emitter coupled amplifier, with Q3 being the emitter-fol-
lower input and Q2 the common-base output amplifier. R6 is
the collector load for this stage, which has a voltage gain of
about 20. The second stage is a differential amplifier, using
Q4 and Q5. Q5 actually provides the gain. Since it has a
current source as a collector load, one of the collectors of
Q12, the gain is quite high: about 1500. This gives a total
gain in the error amplifier of about 30,000 which is ten times
higher than the LM100.
It is not obvious from the schematic, but the first stage (Q2
and Q3) and second stage (Q4 and Q5) of the error amplifi-
er are closely balanced when the circuit is operating. This
will be true regardless of the absolute value of components
and over the operating temperature range. The only thing
affecting balance is component matching, which is good in a
monolithic integrated circuit, so the error amplifier has good
drift characteristics over a wide temperature range.
Frequency compensation is accomplished with an external
integrating capacitor around the error amplifier, as with the
LM100. This scheme makes the stability insensitive to load-
ing conditionsÐresistive or reactiveÐwhile giving good
transient response. However, an internal capacitor, C1, is
added to prevent minor-loop oscillations due to the in-
creased gain.
Additional differences between the LM100 and LM105 are
that a field-effect transistor, Q18, connected as a current
source starts the regulator when power is first applied.
Since this current source is connected to ground, rather
than the output, the minimum load current before the regula-
tor drops out of operation with large input-output voltage
differentials is greatly reduced. This also minimizes power
dissipation in the integrated circuit when the difference be-
tween the input and output voltage is at the worst-case val-
ue. With the LM105 circuit configuration, it was also neces-
sary to add Q17 to eliminate a latch-up mechanism which
could exist with lower output-voltage settings. Without Q17,
this could occur when Q3 saturated and cut off the second
stage amplifiers, Q4 and Q5, causing the output to latch at a
voltage nearly equal to the unregulated input.
power limitations
Although it is desirous to put as much of the regulator as
possible on the IC chip, there are certain basic limitations.
For one, it is not a good idea to put the series pass transis-
tor on the chip. The power that must be dissipated in the
pass transistor is too much for practical IC packages. Fur-
ther, IC's must be rated at a lower maximum operating tem-
perature than power transistors. This means that even with
a power package, a more massive heat sink would be re-
quired if the pass transistor was included in the IC.
Assuming that these problems could be solved, it is still not
advisable to put the pass transistor on the same chip with
the reference and control circuitry: changes in the unregu-
lated input voltage or load current produce gross variations
in chip temperature. These variations worsen load and line
regulation due to temperature interaction with the control
and reference circuitry.
To elaborate, it is reasonable to neglect the package prob-
lem since it is potentially solvable. The lower, maximum op-
erating temperatures of IC's, however, present a more basic
problem. The control circuitry in an IC regulator runs at fairly
low currents. As a result, it is more sensitive to leakage
currents and other phenomena which degrades the per-
formance of semiconductors at high temperatures. Hence,
the maximum operating temperature is limited to 150
military temperature range applications. On the other hand,
a power transistor operating at high currents may be run at
temperatures up to 200
C, because evena1mAleakage
current would not affect its operation in a properly designed
circuit. Even if the pass transistor developed a permanent
1 mA leakage from channeling, operating under these con-
ditions of high stress, it would not affect circuit operation.
These conditions would not trouble the pass transistor, but
they would most certainly cause complete failure of the con-
trol circuitry.
These problems are not eliminated in applications with a
lower maximum operating temperature. Integrated circuits
are sold for limited temperature range applications at con-
siderably lower cost. This is mainly based on a lower maxi-
mum junction temperature. They may be rated so that they
do not blow up at higher temperatures, but they are not
guaranteed to operate within specifications at these temper-
atures. Therefore, in applications with a lower maximum am-
bient temperature, it is necessary to purchase an expensive
full temperature range part in order to take advantage of the
theoretical maximum operating temperatures of the IC.
Figure5makes the point about dissipation limitations more
strongly. It gives the maximum short circuit output current
for an IC regulator in a TO-5 package, assuming a 25
temperature rise between the chip and ambient and a quies-
cent current of 2 mA. Dual-in-line or flat packages give re-
sults which are, at best, slightly better, but are usually
worse. If the short circuit current is not of prime concern,
Figure5 can also be used to give the maximum output cur-
rent as a function of input-output voltage differential, How-
ever, the increased dissipation due to the quiescent current
flowing at the maximum input voltage must be taken into
account. In addition, the input-output differential must be
measured with the maximum expected input voltages.
Figure 5. Dissipation limited short circuit output current
for an IC regulator in a TO-5 package
The 25
C temperature rise assumed in arriving at Figure5 is
not at all unreasonable. With military temperature range
parts, this is valid for a maximum junction temperature of
C with a 125
C ambient. For low cost parts, marketed
for limited temperature range applications, this maximum
differential appropriately derates the maximum junction tem-
In practical designs, the maximum permissible dissipation
will always be to the left of the curve shown for an infinite
heat sink inFigure5. This curve is realized with the package
immersed in circulating acetone, freon or mineral oil. Most
heat sinks are not quite as good.
To summarize, power transistors can be run with a tempera-
ture differential, junction to ambient, 3 to 5 times as great as
an integrated circuit. This means that they can dissipate
much more power, even with a smaller heat sink. This, cou-
pled with the fact that low cost, multilead power packages
are not available and that there can be thermal interactions
between the control circuitry and the pass transistor, strong-
ly suggests that the pass transistors be kept separate from
the integrated circuit.
using booster transistors
Figure6 shows how an external pass transistor is added to
the LM105. The addition of an external PNP transistor does
not increase the minimum input output voltage differential.
This would happen if an NPN transistor was used in a com-
pound emitter follower connection with the NPN output tran-
sistor of the IC. A single-diffused, wide base transistor like
the 2N3740 is recommended because it causes fewer oscil-
lation problems than double-diffused, planar devices. In ad-
dition, it seems to be less prone to failure under overload
conditions; and low cost devices are available in power
packages like the TO-66 or even TO-3.
When the maximum dissipation in the pass transistor is less
than about 0.5W, a 2N2905 may be used as a pass transis-
tor. However, it is generally necessary to carefully observe
thermal deratings and provide some sort of heat sink.
In the circuit of Figure6, the output voltage is determined by
R1 and R2. The resistor values are selected based on a
feedback voltage of 1.8V to Pin 6 of the LM105. To keep
thermal drift of the output voltage within specifications, the
parallel combination of R1 and R2 should be approximately
2K. However, this resistance is not critical. Variations of
30% will not cause an appreciable degradation of temper-
ature drift.
The 1
F output capacitor, C2, is required to suppress oscil-
lations in the feedback loop involving the external booster
transistor, Q1, and the output transistor of the LM105. C1
compensates the internal regulator circuitry to make the sta-
bility independent for all loading conditions. C3 is not nor-
mally required if the lead length between the regulator and
the output filter of the rectifier is short.
Current limiting is provided by R3. The current limit resistor
should be selected so that the maximum voltage drop
across it, at full load current, is equal to the voltage given in
Figure 7 at the maximum junction temperature of the IC.
This assures a no load to full load regulation better than
0.1% under worst-case conditions.
Figure 7. Maximum voltage drop across current limit re-
sistor at full load for worst case load regula-
tion of 0.1%
The short circuit output current is also determined by R3.
Figure8 shows the voltage drop across this resistor, when
the output is shorted, as a function of junction temperature
in the IC.
With the type of current limiting used inFigure6, the dissipa-
tion under short circuit conditions can be more than three
times the worst-case full load dissipation. Hence, the heat
Figure 6. 0.2A regulator
 the current is reduced to a value determined by the current
limit resistor and the current limit sense voltage of the
Figure 8. Voltage drop across current limit resistor re-
quired to initiate current limiting
sink for the pass transistor must be designed to accommo-
date the increased dissipation if the regulator is to survive
more than momentarily with a shorted output. It is encourag-
ing to note, however, that the short circuit current will de-
crease at higher ambient temperatures. This assists in pro-
tecting the pass transistor from excessive heating.
foldback current limiting
With high current regulators, the heat sink for the pass tran-
sistor must be made quite large in order to handle the power
dissipated under worst-case conditions. Making it more than
three times larger to withstand short circuits is sometimes
inconvenient in the extreme. This problem can be solved
with foldback current limiting, which makes the output cur-
rent under overload conditions decrease below the full load
current as the output voltage is pulled down. The short cir-
cuit current can be made but a fraction of the full load cur-
A high current regulator using foldback limiting is shown in
Figure9. A second booster transistor, Q1, has been added
to provide 2A output current without causing excessive dis-
sipation in the LM105. The resistor across its emitter base
junction bleeds off any collector base leakage and estab-
lishes a minimum collector current for Q2 to make the circuit
easier to stabilize with light loads. The foldback characteris-
tic is produced with R4 and R5. The voltage across R4
bucks out the voltage dropped across the current sense
resistor, R3. Therefore, more voltage must be developed
across R3 before current limiting is initiated. After the output
voltage begins to fall, the bucking voltage is reduced, as it is
proportional to the output voltage. With the output shorted,
Figure 10. Limiting characteristics of regulator using
foldback current limiting
Figure10 illustrates the limiting characteristics. The circuit
regulates for load currents up to 2A. Heavier loads will
cause the output voltage to drop, reducing the available cur-
rent. With a short on the output, the current is only 0.5A.
In design, the value of R3 is determined from
where V
is the current limit sense voltage of the LM105,
given in Figure8, and I
is the design value of short circuit
current. R5 is then obtained from
where V
is the regulated output voltage, V
is maxi-
mum voltage across the current limit resistor for 0.1% regu-
lation as indicated in Figure7,I
is the preload current
on the regulator output provided by R5 and I
is the maxi-
mum current coming out of Pin 1 of the LM105 under full
load conditions. I
will be equal to 2 mA plus the worst-
case base drive for the PNP booster transistor, Q2. I
should be made about ten times greater than I
Finally, R4 is given by
where I
is the output current of the regulator at full load.
Solid tantalum
Ferroxcube K5-001-00/3B
Figure 9. 2A regulator with foldback current limiting
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